Wednesday, May 25, 2005

19. Starring Helena Helium - explaining her power

I can't tell you how exciting it is to see how many people have subscribed to this feed and are downloading the podcasts. I really feel like I'm sharing my brain with you all...

This particular show is really out there. Who is talking? I don't recognize the voice, but I think her name is Helena Helium. I became enamored of a pitch shifting effect and decided to use it for the whole show. It's called "Helium Voice" and it was really blowing my mind. Listening back to it now, it sounds like the voice Scott Thompson of Kids in the Hall uses when he plays Queen Elizabeth.

This show is in the key of F sharp minor, and the time signature is seven-eight. However, most of the audio loops are in 4/4, so it doesn't really work out that way.

Apropos of nothing, I refer to "Eddie, the Phlorescent Leech" which is one of the stage names for Mark Volman and Howard Kaylan from the Turtles and the Mothers of Invention. Specifically I'm thinking of "I Could Be A Star Now" from Frank Zappa's 200 Motels.

I must confess I remixed this one (three times) so it's about as far from live as I allow myself to go. It was worth it though - I really like this one.


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